The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
54 lines
Disk No: 939
Program Title: FLIGHT PLANNING FOR PRIVATE PILOTS v3.0 (Disk 1 of 2)
PC-SIG version: 2
FLIGHT is a flight-planning program for private pilots. You enter up to
twenty waypoints, by name, and the estimated airspeed of the plane. The
program matches the waypoints against data files, retrieves the
latitude, longitude and magnetic variation for each point, and then
calculates the magnetic course, the distance between the waypoints, and
the estimated time between each set of waypoints. The results are
printed on the screen, together with the total distance and the total
estimated time over. You can then have a flight log printed. The files
containing the waypoints for FLIGHT can be edited from within the
program or with an ASCII word processor.
And, if you're a pilot (or want to be a pilot), Morse code is an
intricate part of your life. MORSE is a workable code-practice program
for anyone who wants to learn Morse Code for their Amateur Radio
Operator's license. The program generates random-text groups of five
characters each, then sends them in Morse code with the cursor
underlining each word as it is sent. MORSE also sends individual random
letters well-spaced in time and reads text files prepared by your word
processor in capitals, then sends the text line-by- line.
This is the first of a two disk set. The second disk can be found on
disk #1476.
Usage: Flight-Planning/Morse Code.
Special Requirements: A printer is optional.
How to Start: Type GO (press enter).
Suggested Registration: $25.00
File Descriptions:
CONFIG EXE Configuration program.
CONFIG INF Configuration data.
FLIGHT EXE Main program.
FLIGHT TXT Documentation.
INTER COM Intersection computer.
README File descriptions.
WESTUS DAT Data file for flight.
MORSE COM Morse tutor.
MORSE PAS Source code.
1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.